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Family Dental Services

Rapid City's most Trusted Family Dentist

At HillsView Dental in Rapid City, SD, it’s our goal to provide quality dental services for every member of your family.  

Our team is committed to teaching families dental habits that will set them up for success with their overall dental health. We understand that visiting the dentist can be intimidating for children and adults, so we provide a fun and welcoming environment for all ages. From their first cleaning to regular exams, we listen to the family’s concerns and guide them through every stage of the process.

As the most trusted family dentist in Rapid City, HillsView Dental has built a strong reputation for providing exceptional dental care. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to ensuring the highest standards of service and patient satisfaction. We take pride in our ability to establish trust with our patients and prioritize their oral health needs. With our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced techniques, we offer a comprehensive range of dental treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each family member. When you choose HillsView Dental, you can have confidence that you are placing your family’s dental health in the hands of a trusted and reliable provider. Experience the difference in quality care at HillsView Dental in Rapid City.

Give your family the gift of exceptional dental care by scheduling an appointment with us today!

Children's Dentistry

Teaching our youngest patients healthy dental habits is vital to keep their smiles shining. With preventative hygiene plans and regular exams, our team of experts will ensure your child keeps their teeth healthy through adulthood.

Teen's Dentistry

Rapid changes in growth are very common in your teens. Our team will make a strategic plan to monitor their teeth and ensure they develop correctly while their bodies change.

Adult's Dentistry

Once you become an adult, our biggest focus is managing and preventing dental disease. Dental health as an adult is vital to your overall health. We will create a customized preventive routine that has your teeth looking and feeling great!

Ortho Screenings

Early intervention for adverse teeth alignment reduces treatment time and cost. Orthodontic practices like braces offer benefits at any stage of life. Whether you are an adult looking to perfect your smile or a parent looking for options for your child, our dedicated team can help!


Our Dentists use sealants to protect your family's teeth from cavities and bacteria. Sealants fill the deep crevices that run across molars' chewing surfaces, which are sensitive to bacteria leading to cavities. This pain-free method protects your valuable tooth structure that last years.

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